Trigger Point Therapy
You know those weird knots or cricks that just show up out of nowhere in your neck or shoulders or back? There’s a name for them – trigger points. A trigger point is a tight area within your muscle tissue that causes pain in other parts of your body as well. They might show up as sharp, intense spasms, or as a dull generalized ache. Either way, they’re a real pain.
Trigger points remain the most widely overlooked source of muscle problems and pain.
When activated, these contracted bands of muscle tissue can lead to widely differing pain symptoms, along with weakness, numbness and tingling, and reduced range of motion. Here’s how practitioners can learn to recognize and treat pain caused by trigger points.
We will work with you to locate the source of discomfort. We may start you on some deep breathing, while using alternating cycles of pressure and release to ease those constricted muscles. You may experience a significant decrease in minor aches and pain after just one Trigger Point Therapy session – but ongoing sessions could help you manage them even better.
Treatment involves a therapist applying trigger point pressure release techniques, usually with an elbow or hand, while the patient is in a supported, stretched position. Gentle pressure restores biochemistry at the site to help normalize contracted muscle fibers and return them to their normal resting length. Patients actively participate by providing feedback on the discomfort of the pressure and by actively contracting the muscles involved to further facilitate normal biochemical status.