Reflexology & Polarity Therapy
How does it Reflexology work?
Reflexology works on the whole of the person, rather than just one symptom. It is an holistic treatment that aims to balance the whole of the body.
Reflexology involves applying different amounts of pressure to the reflex areas on the hands, head, arms, ears or feet, this will benefit the corresponding areas of the body. The body’s own self-healing process is stimulated, relaxation takes place and the whole of the body receives a boost as the circulation and nervous system is activated.
The body works more efficiently which can speed up the healing process.
It also:
increases the efficiency of all organs and cells
improves waste removal and elimination
releases trapped nervous energy and improves neural efficiency
relieves stress and tension due to its deeply relaxing effect
What is Polarity Therapy?
Polarity therapy is a method of healing based on the concept that life-giving energy permeates every part of the human body. This force is thought to be governed by opposite “poles” of positive and negative electromagnetic energy–hence the therapy’s name. When a person’s energy becomes misdirected or blocked due to stress, trauma, or other factors, disease is believed to result. Peak health can be achieved when opposite poles are balanced and the flow of vital energy can proceed unimpeded.
The therapeutic techniques include Alternative Pain Management, Nutrition Coaching, Neuromuscular Stretching, Biomechanics of Assisted Stretching, Mental Health Coaching, and Reflexology.
How Does It Work?
Polarity therapy addresses the physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being of an individual, suggesting that energy blockages in one area are reflected in all.
To treat these blockages the therapy uses four different approaches: Bodywork: Polarity practitioner believe that touch affects the flow of energy because the hands, like the rest of the body, have an electromagnetic charge: The right hand carries a positive charge and the left a negative one. Depending on how the therapist’s hands are placed on a person’s body, energy flow can be stimulated or slowed. The therapist works on soft body tissues and energy points, using one or more of three degrees of touch: neutral (very light), positive (stimulating), and/or negative (deep).
Alternative Pain Management Coaching: Alternative Pain Management Coaching encompasses a variety of disciplines, including reflexology, guided imagery, biomechanics of assistant stretching, clinical aromatherapy, relaxation, herbal remedies, nutrition coaching and many others.
Nutrition Coaching: Diet is also an important part of polarity therapy and a practitioner will often suggest modifications in a client’s nutritional regimen to support the energy balancing done during the bodywork portion of the therapy.
Neuromuscular Stretching: Polarity therapy also incorporates a series of neuromuscular stretching designed to release stagnant energy, improve energy flow, and restore balance among the Five Elements. The exercises need only be done for a few minutes each day to be effective.
Mental Heath Coaching: Mental and emotional stress are just as damaging to energy flow as structural problems and poor diet. During polarity coaching, the practitioner listens and offers support as clients go through emotional issues at their own pace. The coaching is intended to release hidden emotional traumas that may be blocking energy flow, to establish positive attitudes, and to enhance self-esteem.
Biomechanics of Assisted Stretching: The most important concept to understanding the Biomechanics of Assisted Stretching is Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion. The Law of Action-Reaction states that “for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.” During assisted stretching, the practitioner produces an action that causes the client to have a reaction. The practitioner’s actions are defined in terms of how he/she applies force to the client during stretching. The client’s reaction is defined by his/her stretching form.