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Medical or Special Diets

We Customize Your Diet to Your Goal and Needs

Gluten Free, Vegan, Raw, or a Medical Diet

Do you suspect that a change in diet would solve your health problems? Have you been attempting to go vegan, gluten free, or just trying to eat healthy [no mention of “medical” diet]? We can help. Many people are turning to vegetarian, vegan, or raw-vegan diets for health reasons. Others have to quit gluten, soy, or dairy due to allergies or inflammation.

We can guide you through this process to ensure that your new diet is nutritionally balanced, varied, and still tastes good. Did you know that you can have delicious lasagna even if you are gluten and dairy free? And YES, it tastes just as good as the original with no side effects!

We can teach you how to add variety to your diet using a multitude of flavors and textures from around the world to prepare meals that also will delight you non-vegan friends and family.

Meal Plans

Eating a balanced, nutritious diet is a key aspect of maintaining overall good health, and having a meal plan is one way to accomplish this goal.

In the context of diabetes, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) notes that a meal plan helps guide when, what, and how much to eat and help keep your blood sugar levels in target range.

A healthy meal plan emphasizes non-starchy vegetables, includes fewer added sugars and refined grains, and focuses on unprocessed, whole foods.

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